Thursday, 11 October 2007


To witness this action and participate in a silent walk for the Oxford part of the Go-Between. Meet at Magdalen Bridge, Oxford at 14.00 on Friday, 19th October, 2007 <> To witness this action and participate in a silent walk for the Bonn part of the Go-Between. Meet at the Frauenmuseum, where we will be leaving at 14.30 on Friday October 26, 2007, Frauenmuseum, Im Krausfeld 10 53111 Bonn The Go-Between will begin in Oxford, where we will collect water from the Thames in silence amongst fellow city dwellers, transporting the water as fluid messengers over land to Bonn. On arrival in the city of Bonn we will exchange the water of the Thames for the water of the Rhine. Thus the cities and their inhabitants will become part of an exchange of life giving water aided by the Go-Betweens. Inhabitants of Oxford and Bonn are invited to witness the ritual, inviting communication through action and intention, overriding the need for oral communication. The work will end when we return to Oxford and deposit the water from the Rhine into the Thames. Through this ritual form of exchange and transfer, we embody the role of messenger as we Go-Between countries. These actions, the collecting and exchanging of water between the two cities, raise questions concerning the notion of a cross national connections, encompassing the idea of the 'between space' of travel through countries' borders, land and language. 'The conversation of the gods!- I didn't resent or feel aggrieved because I couldn't understand it. I was the smallest of the planets, and I carried messages between them and I couldn't always understand that was in order, too; they were something in a foreign language - star talk' From The Go-Between LP Hartley.

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The Go-Betweens have begun their journey

Hilary Kneale and Ann Rapstoff are artists who have collaborated on a number of projects since 2001. There current work entitled The Go-Between charts their journey between the cities of Oxford and Bonn, in which they explore journeys, walking, ritual and the exchange of water between The Thames and The Rhein/Rhine. The Go-Between was a developing project and part of ‘Umfeld-Inwelt’ (En-vironment, In-vironment) at The Frauenmuseum Bonn

Witnesses/participants were invited to join silent walks for the Oxford part of the Go-Between from Magdalen Bridge, Oxford at 14.00 on Friday, 19th October, 2007 <> To witness an action and ritual of collecting water. This continued with an overland journey to Germany and the dispersal of this water into the Rhein/Rhine in silence from the Frauenmuseum in Bonn; 14.30 on Friday October 26, 2007, Frauenmuseum, on Thursday November 1st, the The Go-Betweens returned overland to The Thames in Oxford to deposit the water from the Rhine and complete their journey.

Walk in silence with The Go-Betweens at any part of their journey, contact them here at the blog at anytime.

The Go-Between (Der Vermittler)

Hilary Kneale und Ann Rapstoff

Begleiten Sie die Künstlerinnen bei einem Gang vom Frauenmuseum, Aufbruch um 14.30 Uhr am Freitag, dem 26. Oktober (etwa 1 Std.)

Als Teil der aktuellen Ausstellung Umfeld < - > Inwelt im Frauenmuseum werden Hilary Kneale und Ann Rapstoff in Oxford beginnen. Sie werden Wasser von der Themse abfüllen, und dieses Wasser als flüssigen Boten über Land nach Bonn transportieren. Nach der Ankunft in Bonn werden sie das Wasser der Themse in zeremonieller Stille gegen Wasser des Rheins austauschen. Dadurch werden die Städte und ihre Einwohner Teil eines gegenseitigen Austausches von leblebensspendendem Wasser, unterstützt durch die Vermittler.

Die Einwohner von Oxford und Bonn sind eingeladen dem Ritual beizuwohnen, aufgefordert zu einladender Kommunikation durch Aktion und Intention und machen damit das Erfordernis nach mündlicher Kommunikation überflüssig. Die Arbeit endet, wenn sie nach Oxford zurückkehren und das Wasser des Rheins in die Themse einfüllen.

Interesting links

The Politics of water, on the world service; the US/Mexico border, Israel, Sweden/Russia/Baltic sea and Namibia

Enterchange performance and the environment
